
Jaub. & Spach
Annual or perennial herbs, covered with biramous hairs. Leaves 1-17-foliolate; leaflets opposite or alternate, entire; stipules adnate to base of petiole, subulate or falcate-lanceolate. Flowers pink, in axillary, many-flowered racemes, dense initially, becoming lax later; bracts caducous. Calyx usually with shallowly campanulate tube; lobes equal or longer than the tube. Petals: vexillum narrow at base, tapering to the claw, glabrous; keel with lateral pouches, apex prolonged rostrate. Stamens diadelphous, all fertile; vexillary stamen free; anthers glabrous, hyaline scales at base reduced or 0. Ovary usually sessile; stigma oblique or capitate. Pod reflexed, 4-20-seeded, terete or laterally compressed, linear, straight or curved. Seeds quadrate.
Species +/- 9, mostly south tropical Africa and one pantropical; 8 in sthn Afr., widespread.

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