Plants caespitose. Rhizomes short to well developed, occasionally long-spreading. Culms simple, smooth or striate. Leaf sheaths closely convolute. Maleinflorescence of few to many erect to suberect spikelets, each subtended by a +/- conspicuous caducous spathe. Malespikelets with all bracts fertile; with many florets; perianth usually much compressed; perianth segments 6, or inner whorl 0; outer lateral ones mostly boat-shaped and conduplicate; anthers oblong, apiculate, exserted at anthesis; ovary rudimentary. Femaleinflorescence of 1-several spicate, compact, spindle-shaped spikelets similar to male but generally larger; spathes relatively small. Femalespikelets with bracts cartilaginous to osseous, often acuminate, many sterile, only 1 fertile per spikelet; perianth sessile or stipitate, segments membranous, small, equal, 6 (rarely 0); staminodes minute; ovary 1-locular, apex often ornamented or with a cap; styles 2, fused basally. Fruit a nutlet, variously ornamented on cap.
Species +/- 15, mainly Western Cape, also Northern and Eastern Cape (Namaqualand to Uitenhage).
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