Small trees, shrubs, lianes with recurved woody tendrils (usually in subopposite pairs), or rarely shrublets. Leaves petiolate, alternate, entire, crenate or toothed, sometimes with domatia in the nerve axils and with densely reticulate, tertiary venation; stipules pinnatifid or palmatifid, often caducous. Flowers solitary, in pairs or in few-flowered cymes, axillary or occasionally terminal, often trimorphically heterostylous. Sepals 5, usually unequal, persistent. Petals 5, shortly clawed, usually yellow. Stamens 5 + 5, all fertile, with filaments united into basal cup. Ovary 4-10-locular, alternate ones sterile; styles 2-5, free or rarely partly united; stigmas capitate, grooved. Fruit a drupe, with 3-5 or fewer seeds; not more than 1 per locule. Seeds smooth, flattened, endospermic. x = 6 (polyploidy).
Species 35, mainly in Old World tropics; 1 in sthn Afr.: Hugonia orientalis Engl., Mpumalanga (Lowveld).
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