Shrublets or subshrubs, aromatic. Leaves alternate, pinnatisect, lobed, dentate or rarely entire. Capitula disciform, several-flowered, small, corymbose, occasionally solitary. Receptacle convex or conical, epaleate. Involucre campanulate; bracts in 3 or 4 rows, often glandular, sometimes ciliate and pilose on back. Marginalflorets female, fertile, corolla tube short or conical, minutely 2-4-lobed; without lamina. Discflorets functionally male; corolla tube cylindric or funnel-shaped below and campanulate above, sometimes narrowly winged, glandular, with 5 ovate lobes; sometimes irregular. Anthers linear-oblong, ecalcarate and ecaudate; with oblong or linear-oblong, apical appendage. Style linear or terete, sometimes swollen at base, undivided, disciform and glandular at base. Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened, generally laterally winged. Pappus 0.
Species 8; endemic to sthn Afr., Western and Eastern Cape.
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