
A.Fern. & Diniz
Annual or perennial, aquatic or terrestrial, glabrous herbs. Leaves decussate, sessile, linear, widened at base, canaliculate above. Flowers (3)4(5)-merous, in axillary, sessile, many-flowered dense dichasia surrounded by widened bases of leaves; outer bracteoles 2, +/- as long as glomerules, inner ones many, subulate, membranous, whitish. Calyx campanulate, scarious, 8-nerved below, 4-nerved above point of origin of stamens, with short appendages in sinuses and a nectariferous ring at bottom. Petals persistent, corrugated. Stamens (3)4(5), opposite lobes; anthers dorsifixed, they and pollen violet. Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate, with dissepiments interrupted above column of placenta (placenta then not continuous with style) incompletely 2-locular, 2-5-ovulate; style +/- long. Capsule thinly membranous dehiscing irregularly. Seeds few, concave-convex, relatively large, dark violet.
Species 2, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 2, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.

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