Shrubs or shrublets, rigid, coarse, woolly or flocculent. Leaves alternate, dense, pinnatifid, cobwebby beneath, becoming glabrous and glossy above, lobes pungent, with revolute margins. Capitula radiate, in terminal racemose clusters. Involucre with bracts basally somewhat connate, in 3 rows, with basal ones spine-toothed, middle ones longest, entire, lanceolate-acuminate. Receptacle conspicuously honeycombed; outer cavities thick-walled, inner walls membranous. Ray florets sterile, usually with rudimentary stamens; corolla yellow, lamina 3- or 4-dentate, minutely glandular-pubescent. Disc florets bisexual, fertile; corolla yellow, minutely glandular-pubescent. Cypselas obconical, thinly and very shortly pubescent or nearly glabrous. Pappus of scales +/- in 2 rows, lanceolate, plumose-fimbriate, outer ones the shorter.
Monotypic: Heterorhachis aculeata (Burm.f.) Roessler is endemic to the Northern and Western Cape.
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