Chrysocoma subgenus Heteropsis Harv.: 95 (1865). Pentheriella O.Hoffm. & Muschl.: 316 (1910).
Perennial herbs up to 1 m tall. Leaves alternate, sometimes radical, simple, broadly linear or pinnatisect, sessile or petiolate, decurrent. Capitula discoid, in panicled corymbs, several-flowered. Involucre campanulate; bracts in 2 or 3 rows, inner ones obovate to broadly elliptic, usually membranous. Receptacle flat, honeycombed, epaleate. Florets bisexual; corolla yellow; tube narrowly cylindric below, becoming campanulate above, 5-lobed. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; with lanceolate, apical appendage. Style branches oblong, truncate and penicillate with deltoid appendage, with conspicuous sweeping hairs. Cypselas elliptic to obovate in outline, somewhat oblique, slightly compressed, usually 3-ribbed, pubescent. Pappus in 2 rows, of many fine scabrid bristles, caducous.
Species 3, endemic to sthn Afr., Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho and Eastern Cape.
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