
Perennial herbs, stems much branched, spreading, ashy grey, closely leafy. Leaves alternate, sessile, linear, margins entire, strongly revolute, white-cottony (hair type B), contrasting strongly with silky grey upper leaf surface and midrib below, giving striped effect to leaves. Capitula disciform, narrowly campanulate, few clustered at branchlet tips. Involucralbracts in +/- 4 rows, outer short, pellucid, palest brown; inner with tips opaque milk-white, exceeding flowers; stereome undivided. Receptacle honeycombed, flat, epaleate. Flowers yellow, +/- 45-65, 30-50 female, corolla filiform; 12 or 13 bisexual, corolla cylindric, all lobes glandular-hairy on backs. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate, tails exceeding filament collar; with small obtuse apical appendage; endothecial tissue polarised. Style branches truncate and penicillate with obtuse sweeping hairs apically. Cypselas oblong, small, with minute 2-celled globular hairs without swelling cushion, myxogenic. Pappus bristles many, tips plumose, shaft nude, 2 or 3 bristles fused together near base and then, a little lower, these compound bristles fused into smooth ring.
Monotypic: Helichrysopsis septentrionale (Vatke) Hilliard, KwaZulu-Natal; also coastal Mozambique.

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