Gynoecium characters are those relating to the female organs of a plant.
The next step is to select one of the gynoecium characters from the list on the left-hand side in order to view definitions of its various features.
Here is a list of the possible gynoecium characters to choose from:
fertile gynoecium (present or absent)
gynoecium constitution (monomerous, apocarpous or syncarpous)
gynoecium position (superior, partly inferior or inferior)
locules (with or without horizontal septa)
ovary insertion (sessile, subsessile or stipitate)
styles (number)
style fusion (free or partially joined)
style insertion (apical, lateral or ‘gynobasic')
stigmas (number)
stigma lobes (number)
unlobed stigma form (obtuse-truncate, clavate, capitate etc)
ovules (arillate or non-arillate)
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