
Annual or perennial herbs with simple to much-branched, erect or decumbent stems; vegetative indumentum of short-stalked, long-armed, symmetrical T-shaped hairs. Leaves opposite, at least those on lower stems, alternate or sometimes in whorls of 3, sessile or petiolate, upper surface of lamina sparsely pilose to scabridulous, lower surface closely whitish-silvery araneose-felted. Capitula usually small, few to many, laxly arranged in corymbiform cymes, or shortly stalked in small clusters, homogamous. Involucre obconic to cyathiform; phyllaries +/-diverging, increasing in size to inside, membranous or scarious, usually with subhyaline margins. Receptacle plane or alveolate. Corollas purple or mauve, regular, narrowly infundibuliform, deeply 5-lobed, usually puberulous, lobes sometimes with acicular bristles and/or T-shaped to Y-shaped hairs. Anthers lanceolate-appendiculate at apex, obtuse at base. Style : arms linear, hairy. Cypselas obovoid-oblong or turbinate, rounded or truncate at apex and ecostate, or 4-6-, or 8-10-ribbed, polished and smooth or with hooked or +/-straight, simple or bifid and globose-glandular trichomes. Pappus 0, or of a few short, caducous, barbellate setae, or of persistent overlapping scales.
Species +/-20, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 14, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith