Annual or perennial herbs or shrublets; stems erect or decumbent, often several from crown, rarely one, usually simple below, branched above; hairs on stems, leaves, bracts and calyx with sculptured walls. Leaves opposite or alternate, sometimes becoming alternate above, fascicled or not, linear or narrowly to broadly elliptic, entire or few-dentate, herbaceous to thick (almost terete). Flowers bracteate, pedicellate, grouped in small, congested or lax racemes, usually panicled, sometimes solitary. Bracts usually adnate to pedicel only, sometimes to extreme base of calyx tube as well. Calyx campanulate, subequally 5-lobed to +/- halfway; lobes deltoid or oblong, anterior ones slightly larger than other 3, pubescent on outside and margins, rarely inside. Corolla bilabiate, 5-lobed, herbaceous; tube funnel-shaped, usually glabrous; limb glabrous on inner face, yellow-orange patch running down back of throat; posterior lip 2-lobed, glabrous, exterior in bud; anterior lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous, arising +/- in middle of corolla tube; posterior filaments decurrent down corolla tube; anthers synthecate, posterior ones in throat or mouth, or shortly or (rarely) well exserted, anterior ones shortly to well exserted; staminodes 0. Nectary small, on posterior side of ovary base. Ovary unilocular by complete or partial abortion of posterior locule, ellipsoid; ovule single, pendulous; style filiform, merging into lingulate stigma with marginal papillae. Fruit a smooth, hard-walled, somewhat beaked, single-seeded, indehiscent coccus, convex on outer face, concave on inner, held within persistent calyx, apparently shed as a unit with bract. Seeds probably fusiform.
Species 7, endemic to Western Cape, mostly in the southwestern mountains.
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