Spreading to erect, pubescent annuals. Leaves imparipinnate; petiole absent or very short; leaflets 5-11, alternate or subopposite, narrowly elliptic to linear-oblanceolate, rounded to acute at apex, cuneate at base; stipels absent or very short; stipules reduced to glands. Inflorescences axillary, pedunculate, 2-8-flowered umbels; bracts and bracteoles minute, caducous. Flowers small. Calyx pubescent; receptacle obconic; teeth subequal, narrowly triangular. Corolla glabrous; petals with claws +/- as long as blades. Stamens 10, diadelphous; vexillary one completely free; free parts of filaments flattened; anthers uniform. Ovary stipitate, glabrous, arising laterally on receptacle; ovules many; style very short, curved; stigma enlarged. Pod curved, made up of 2-5 spherical, 1-seeded articles, each of which splits into 2 valves; dorsal suture persistent. Seeds spherical, minutely warty; hilum circular, minute.
Monotypic genus: Antopetitia abyssinica A.Rich., trop. African mountains; sthn trop. Afr.: Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique.