
Fruit characters are those relating to "a mature ovary with its enclosed seeds and sometimes with attached external structures" [Hickey et al, 2000].
The next step is to select one of the fruit characters from the list on the left-hand side in order to view definitions of its various features.
Here is a list of the possible fruit characters to choose from:

texture at maturity (at least partially fleshy, or not fleshy)

whether an aggregate

aggregate carpels (coalescing or not)

monomeric/aggregate carpels (dehiscent or indehiscent)

monomeric/aggregate carpel type (legume, loment, follicle etc)

syncarpous fruit dehiscence (dehiscent, indehiscent, schizocarpic etc

mericarps (number)

mericarp type (achenes, berrylets, follicles, nutlets etc)

syncarpous type (dehiscent capsule, silicula, berry, nut etc)

syncarpous capsule dehiscence (denticidal, poricidal, septicidal etc)

dehiscence type (elastic or passive)

whether multiple

multiple fruits coalescence (coalescing or not)

seeds per fruit (number)


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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith