
Flower characters are those relating to "the structure[s] in angiosperms concerned with sexual reproduction" [Hickey et al, 2002].
The next step is to select one of these characters from the list on the left-hand side in order to view definitions of its various features.
Here is a list of the possible flower characters to choose from:

whether resupinate

elongation of floral receptacle (e.g. developing an androphore or a gynophore)

 disc (present or absent)

disc position (e.g. epigynous)

hypogynous disc coherence (annular or of separate members)

 perianth composition (e.g. with distinct calyx and corolla, or no differentiation within perianth)

 perianth (number of parts)

undifferentiated perianth parts (whether free or joined)

tepal colour

calyx (number of parts)

calyx form (represented by bristles or not)

calyx whorls (number)

calyx fusion (polysepalous, gamosepalous etc)

calyx appendages (basally appendaged, spurred etc)

epicalyx (present or absent)

corolla segments (petals - number)

corolla whorls (number)

corolla whether appendiculate

corolla segment fusion (polypetalous, gamopetalous etc)

corolla tube unilateral split (adaxially deeply split or not)

corolla lobe length to tube length

joined petals (number)

corolla aestivation (imbricate, contorted, valvate etc)

gamopetalous corolla shape (rotate, cupuliform, urceolate etc)

corolla symmetry (bilabiate, regular etc)

corolla colours

corolla whether spurred

petals whether clawed

petals whether incised


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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith