
Roxb. ex W.T.Aiton
Shrubs or herbs, erect, prostrate, or rarely scandent. Leaves digitately (1)3-foliolate, exstipellate, gland-dotted on lower surface; stipules striate, often caducous. Flowers greenish, yellowish white or pink, densely spicate-racemose or paniculate; bracts foliaceous or dry and narrow, persistent or caducous; bracteoles 0. Calyx with campanulate tube, 5-lobed; lobes longer than tube, often linear-acuminate, subequal or lowest the longest. Petals: vexillum with inflexed ears at base and channelled claw; wings often adhering to keel; keel straight or incurved, clawed. Stamens diadelphous, with vexillary filament often kneed or broadened; anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, ellipsoid, 2-ovuled, sometimes with basal, cupular disc; style often thickened above, with small, terminal stigma. Pod short, oblique, turgid, 2-valved. Seeds thick, globose; thick funicle attached to short hilum. x= 11 (aneuploids).
Species +/- 30, tropical regions of Old World; 1 in sthn Afr.: Flemingia grahamiana Wight & Arn., Northern Province, Mpumalanga, Swaziland to KwaZulu-Natal.

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