
Perennial, tufted or decumbent and rooting at nodes, sometimes with long creeping rhizomes. Leaf blade flat, papery; ligule a fringe of hairs. Inflorescence of spike-like racemes scattered up and appressed to central axis, or a contracted panicle; spikelets solitary, or paired. Spikelet 2.5-6.5 mm long, lanceolate-oblong, dorsiventrally compressed, falling with glumes; glumes unequal, dissimilar, awnless; lower glume a minute, nerveless, hyaline scale; upper glume membranous, similar to spikelet in shape and size, obscurely 3-7-nerved. Florets 2; lower floret sterile; lemma resembling upper glume, 5-nerved, awnless, palea 0; upper floret bisexual, lemma similar to firmer in texture than glumes, papery to membranous, obtuse, densely hairy, faintly 3-5-nerved, margins inrolled and clasping edges of palea, awnless; palea equalling lemma, 2-nerved. Lodicules 2, broadly cuneate. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles distinct, plumose. Caryopsis ellipsoid, dorsiventrally compressed. x = 9.
Species 5, tropical Africa and E Australia; 2 in sthn Afr.: Entolasia imbricata Stapf and E. olivacea Stapf, N Namibia, Botswana and Northern Province.

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