
Lindl. & Paxton
Resnova Van der Merwe: 41 (1946).
Perennial, deciduous, bulbous herbs, occasionally forming clumps.Bulbglobose to ovoid; scales imbricate, fleshy.Leaves1-several, contemporary with flowers; with or without a pseudopetiole; narrowly ovate to cordate, thin or fleshy, acute; folded and clasping below; margin entire, rarely minutely crenate; often spotted; glabrous or pubescent.Inflorescence1-several, an axillary, cylindrical raceme(s) or spike(s); peduncle erect; bracts minute.Flowersgreen, white, pink or purple, small, many; pedicels very short or absent.Tepalsfree, cohering below, forming a tube; lobes erect, with small spreading or incurved, hooded apices, narrowly oblong; persistent.Stamens6, arising from base of tepals, included; anthers versatile, introrse.Ovarysessile, oblong, with 2 basal ovules in each locule; style terete; stigma apical.Fruitan obovoid capsule, deeply 3-angled, rounded above; dehiscing loculicidally.Seedssemiglobose, flat on abaxial side, black, shiny, verrucose.x= 10, 11 (aneuploids, high polyploidy ).
Species +/- 15, Africa; 5 in sthn Afr., widespread in eastern region, Northern Province, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Swaziland, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape. In this account, the concept of Drimiopsis includes that of the genus Resnova. This differs from Muller-Doblies & Muller-Doblies (1997) where the genus Resnova is resuscitated and is separated from Drimiopsis by its +/- spreading tepal lobes, biseriate stamens, subulate filaments and longer perianth. Several new species of Drimiopsis were also described in this publication, but before these can be incorporated type material/cited material needs to be accessible. Drimiopsis, in its broad sense, occurs in grassland, forest margins, often in rocky, shady areas. Used medicinally and horticulturally.

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