Annual or perennial herbs or shrublets; hairs, other than in corolla tube, thin-walled. Leaves alternate or lower ones opposite, mostly linear to +/- lanceolate or oblong, seldom ovate, sessile, entire or +/- dentate. Flowers sessile, bracteate, in terminal, often dense spikes. Bracts free from and exceeding calyx, mainly ovate but apex often acuminate, long-lanceolate or linear; often pubescent. Calyx bipartite; segments lateral, linear or lanceolate-oblong, entire, sometimes with membranous margins, sometimes ciliate. Corolla tubular, very irregular, unilabiate, 4-lobed; tube slender, cylindrical, sometimes glandular within, split in front to or below middle, dilated behind and expanded into a flat or concave, 4-lobed limb, bearded or glabrous but without orange patch; lobes subequal or middle pair longer, posterior lobes exterior in bud. Stamens 4, didynamous, arising at 2 levels +/- on margins of fissure below corolla lobes or lower pair deeper in tube; filaments linear or terete; anthers bithecate, oblong or linear, sometimes longer than filaments. Nectary often present laterally at base of ovary. Ovary bilocular, elliptical; ovules 1 per locule, pendulous; style terete, included or exserted. Fruit oblong, ovate, or subterete, rarely spontaneously breaking into 2 hard-walled cocci. Seeds fusiform.
Species 11, Namibia and coastal districts of Western and Eastern Cape to near Port Elizabeth.
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