Dwarf, submerged, turf-forming, aquatic herbs; stems branching chiefly near base, broadly 4-winged. Leaves opposite, sessile, ovate, semi-amplexicaul, acute. Flowers cleistogamous, minute, leaf-axillary, solitary, sessile, ebracteate. Calyx deeply 5(6)-lobed, accrescent; lobes oblong, obtuse, much longer than tube. Corolla bilabiate, 5-lobed, ellipsoid, +/- as long as calyx; tube sprinkled with sessile glands inside on anterior part, closed by minute lips; upper lip outside in bud, shortly 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed, somewhat shorter than upper. Stamens 2, anterior; filaments very short, glabrous, arising above middle of corolla tube, bithecate; thecae unequal, indehiscent or imperfectly dehiscent, connective between thecae distinct; staminodes 0. Ovary unilocular, ellipsoid-globose; ovules many; placentas parietal, bifurcate, shield-shaped; style very short; stigma somewhat thickened. Fruit an orbicular-obovate capsule, somewhat compressed on one side, septicidal at apex or bursting irregularly. Seeds many, oblong, +/- compressed, pitted.
Monotypic, Dintera pterocaulis Stapf, Namibia (Waterberg plateau).
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