
Pretrea J.Gay ex Meisn. 1: 298 & 2: 206 (1840); Stapf: 463 (1904); Merrill: 355 (1935).
Perennial herbs with persistent woody main root and 5-7 prostrate annual stems with many lateral branchlets; plant subglabrous to villous, covered with mucilage glands. Leaves opposite, subsessile to long-petiolate, very variable in shape, indentation and pubescence; lamina narrowly to broadly ovate, crenate to serrate or pinnatipartite to pinnatilobed, inferior surface densely mealy-glandular. Flowers solitary, axillary, pendent, with long, erect pedicels; white to pink or mauve, sometimes violet or yellow. Calyx much shorter than corolla tube, somewhat oblique, pubescent; segments linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. Corolla pilose; tube constricted near base and somewhat saccate on posterior side, then obliquely campanulate, curved; limb sub-bilabiate, upper and lateral lobes subequal, obovate, anterior one larger, with dark stripes or lines of dots running into the tube. Stamens subdidynamous, shorter pair included, longer ones just exserted; filaments linear; anthers with thecae parallel; staminodes 0. Nectary annular. Ovary 2-locular, false septum 0, usually with 2 or 5 ovules per locule; style somewhat compressed, linear, included; stigma of 2 ovate lobes. Fruit indehiscent, woody, longitudinally compressed to discoid, central part slightly to strongly raised, with 2 erect, conical spines on upper face and a hard, narrow wing. Seeds obovate to oblanceolate, compressed, with a groove on edges; testa somewhat crustaceous, almost smooth, usually dark-coloured.
Species 3, tropical and subtropical Africa; 2 in sthn Afr., N Namibia, Botswana and South Africa, roughly north of 26degS but extending a little further south, west of Kuruman (Northern Cape); also Swaziland.

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