
Hochst. & Nees
Cypholepis Chiov.: 357 (1908); Phillips: 248 (1974); Watson & Dallwitz: 286 (1994).
Perennial, tufted. Leaf blade linear, usually expanded; ligule a fringed membrane. Inflorescence usually of open or dense, spike-like racemes along a central axis; spikelets solitary, shortly pedicelled. Spikelet laterally compressed, disarticulating above glumes and between florets; glumes +/- equal to unequal, lanceolate, shorter than spikelet, membranous, rounded or lightly keeled on back, 1(3)-nerved. Florets 7-12, bisexual; uppermost floret sometimes male only; lemma saccate below, lightly keeled above middle, rounded on back in lower half, 3-nerved, hairy with club-shaped hairs on lower back, or glabrous, awnless; callus 0; palea shorter than lemma, glabrous or with club-shaped hairs on lower half. Lodicules 2, fleshy, glabrous. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous. Caryopsis broadly ellipsoid, strongly flattened; pericarp free.
Species 1-8, Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Pakistan; 1 in sthn Afr.: Coelachyrum yemenicum (Schweinf.) S.M.Phillips, Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province, North-West and eastern regions of Northern Cape.

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