Small to tall trees, often dioecious by abortion; young parts, including outside of calyx and carpels, with dense, yellowish stellate hairs. Leaves palmatinerved, ovate, acuminate with cordate base; stipules linear. Inflorescences terminal and axillary corymbiform cymes. Flowers usually unisexual by abortion. Calyx campanulate, irregularly 3-5-fid. Petals 5(6 or 7). Stamens many, all fertile in male flowers, sterile in female flowers, free, not arising on a raised torus; filaments filiform; anthers subglobose. Ovary of (1)2-5(6), free, 1-locular, 2-valved carpels; ovules 1 per carpel, ascending. Fruit apocarpous into follicles opening by 2 valves; endocarp light brown, shiny, crustaceous. Seeds 1 per follicle, large, variegated, at first with hairs along raphe.
Species 2, S America and trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Christiana africana DC., Angola.
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