
Selago L. in part, Rolfe: 162 (1901).
Small annual herbs; stems erect, decumbent or ascending; brachyblasts 0; hairs on stems, leaves, bracts and calyx thin-walled. Leaves opposite, bases often connate, sometimes becoming alternate upwards, variously shaped, sometimes tapering into petiole. Flowers sessile, in a narrow spike, or several forming a panicle. Bract adnate to part of calyx tube. Calyx 5-lobed or 5-toothed, campanulate; anterior lip sometimes only very shallowly divided. Corolla tubular, uni- or bilabiate, 4- or 5-lobed; tube cylindrical or funnel-shaped; posterior lip 4-lobed, sometimes bearded with minute clavate hairs, without yellow/orange patch, exterior in bud; anterior lip 1-lobed, minute, or lobe wanting. Stamens 4, didynamous, sometimes 2 being somewhat abnormal, or 2 only (anterior pair); filaments arising in upper part of corolla tube or in mouth, shortly decurrent on tube; anthers synthecate, dorsifixed, +/- exserted. Nectary annular but more strongly developed on one side. Ovary bilocular, elliptic-oblong, base oblique; ovule 1 per locule, pendulous; style filiform; stigma lingulate with 2 marginal bands of stigmatic papillae, malformed when flowers autogamous. Fruit a pair of hard-walled cocci, convex on outer face with median longitudinal groove, rugose on either side of groove, +/- plane on inner face, indehiscent. Seeds +/- fusiform, smooth or transversely rugose.
Species 3, confined to sthn Afr., Northern Cape (Namaqualand) and Western Cape.

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