
Slender, herbaceous climbers, with or without tendrils. Leaves usually palmately 5-7-lobed, with lobes acuminate and serrate, rarely simple, usually long-petioled. Male flowers in short racemes; sepals 4 or 5, linear, spreading; corolla 4- or 5-lobed, tube campanulate, lobes +/- as long as tube, ovate-oblong, ciliate, cohering by cilia; stamens 5, arising at base of corolla tube, alternating with ellipsoid glands, adnate to corolla tube, filaments slightly dilated upwards, anthers oblong, cohering; ovary absent. Female flowers solitary; calyx rudimentary; corolla as for male; stamens absent; glands 5, linear, +/- 3/ 4 length of corolla tube; ovary shortly stalked, +/- cylindric, with several ovules on 4 or 5 parietal placentas; styles 4, short, 2-lobed. Fruit a 4- or 5-valved, elongate, ribbed capsule. Seeds several, subglobose, narrowly winged above, tubercled.
Monotypic: Ceratiosicyos laevis (Thunb.) A.Meeuse, endemic to sthn Afr., Namibia, Northern Province, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern and Western Cape.

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