
Woody climbers; younger stems densely covered with short soft white sericeous hairs, older ones very finely pubescent or glabrescent. Leaves spirally arranged or opposite, ovate-cordate, pubescent or glabrescent above, grey-tomentose beneath and with 2 large glands near base (usually concealed by indumentum); petiole densely sericeous, usually with 2 small glands above middle; stipules very small, deciduous. Inflorescences racemose or corymbose-paniculate, axillary or terminal. Flowers regular, bisexual, evil-smelling; bracts ovate; bracteoles lanceolate or linear-subulate. Sepals broadly ovate with a narrowed base, sericeous outside; without glands. Petals shortly unguiculate, carinate, subhastate at base, glabrous, margins wholly or partially fimbriate. Stamens glabrous, with dorsifixed, subversatile, oblong anthers; filaments somewhat fleshy. Ovary densely sericeous; styles fairly stout, truncate, shorter than, as long as or slightly exceeding stamens. Fruit with lateral wing completely surrounding nut, oblong-elliptic, entire; dorsal wing absent.
Species 3, E and NE Africa to Arabian Peninsula; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Caucanthusauriculatus (Radlk.) Niedenzu, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique.

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