
Annual or perennial herbs with a basal leaf rosette, rarely with tuberous taproots, with unicellular trichomes; stems low and spreading to erect, simple to branched from base. Leaves linear to oblanceolate, alternate, usually coarsely but sparsely ciliate, otherwise glabrous; stipules 0. Flowers bisexual, solitary in axils of basal leaves or in monochasia resembling racemes with a single but +/- lateral, herbaceous bract narrowing towards base at each flower. Sepals 2, often unequal, persistent, herbaceous. Petals 3-7, equalling sepals, usually deep crimson-purple to (rarely) white. Stamens (3-)5-15, shorter than petals. Ovary superior, usually 2- or 3-valved from top; styles 3 or 4, usually free. Fruit mostly a 3-valved, membranous capsule, with valves often very involute and spreading. Seeds 15-many, reniform-ovoid, shiny black; embryo encircling perisperm. x= 8 (10, 11, 23) ( polyploidy).
Calandrinia in strict sense: 12-15 species, North and South America; 1 introduced in sthn Afr.: *Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., Western Cape.

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