Crocodilodes Adans.: 127 (1763). Stephanocoma Less.: 485 (1865). Stobaea Thunb.: 141 (1800).
Perennial herbs or subshrubs, sometimes cobwebby or woolly. Leaves alternate or radical, rarely opposite, sometimes decurrent, subentire, toothed, pinnatifid or pinnatisect, teeth spinescent. Capitula radiate or discoid, several- to many-flowered, terminal on single stems or on branchlets, rarely axillary, rarely corymbose or umbellate. Involucre campanulate; bracts in few to many rows, connate at base, tips and often margins spiny. Receptacle flat, honeycombed fimbrilliferous. Ray florets neuter, in single row, strap-shaped. Disc florets bisexual, fertile or sometimes inner ones male, tubular, dilated above, deeply 5-lobed. Anthers linear, sagittate at base; with lanceolate, apical appendage. Style terete, undivided or with linear, obtuse branches. Cypselas +/- obovoid, ribbed, pilose or glandular, pubescent to glabrous. Pappus of short or long scales or bristles. x = 7, 8.
Species 75, Africa; 71 in sthn Afr., widespread.
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