Erect, slender, hispid annual herbs; stem simple or slightly branched above middle. Leaves opposite, sessile, deeply pinnatifid with 3-7 linear, costate, usually entire lobes. Flowers solitary in axils of upper leaves and in short terminal spikes; bracteoles 2, lanceolate, +/- as long as calyx. Calyx campanulate, slightly constricted at top, 10-ribbed, coarsely hairy outside, glabrous within; lobes 5, nearly equal, short, triangular. Corolla: tube cylindric, widening slightly upwards, +/- as long as calyx; lobes 5, +/- equal, rounded, reflexed. Stamens 4, +/- equal, very shortly exserted; filaments filiform; anthers free, glabrous, one theca perfect, opening longitudinally, the other much reduced, club-shaped. Ovary 2-locular, glabrous; ovules many; style filiform, glabrous, thickened towards tip, curving downwards with line of hairs on underside of curve. Capsule orbicular, compressed, enclosed in calyx.
Monotypic genus: Baumia angolensis Engl. & Gilg, known only from Angola. Differs from Sopubia mainly in the free, not coherent, anthers.
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