Moniera P.Browne: 269 (1756); Hiern: 355 (1904).
Annual herbs, erect, prostrate, decumbent or ascending, or floating, mostly glabrous, sometimes pubescent or subglabrous, often glandular-punctate; stems simple or branching, often rooting at nodes. Leaves opposite, petiolate to sessile, variously obovate to spathulate or linear to lanceolate or ovate, entire or variously dentate to crenate, or leaves capillary-divided in aquatic species; often glandular punctate. Flowers axillary, usually solitary, sometimes several, pedicellate, usually bibracteolate just below calyx. Calyx 5-partite; sepals imbricate in bud, unequal, posterior broadest, laterals usually very narrow. Corolla bilabiate; tube cylindrical; upper lip emarginate or 2-lobed, exterior in bud; lower lip 3-lobed; lobes equal or subequal. Stamens 4, didynamous, perfect, included, arising in corolla tube; anthers bithecate; thecae usually parallel, sometimes divaricate or finally confluent; staminodes 0. Nectary 0 or 1. Ovary bilocular; ovules many; style dilated at apex, entire, concave or 2-lobed. Fruit an ovoid to globose or ellipsoid capsule, loculicidal or septicidal, bivalved; valves bifid or bipartite. Seeds small, many, usually striate and transversely reticulate. x = 8 (1 report, polyploidy).
Species +/- 56, tropical and subtropical regions; 3 in sthn Afr., Botswana, Northern Province, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal; marsh plants, at times aquatic.
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