Baccharidastrum Cabrera: 175 (1937). Baccharidiopsis Barroso: 95 (1975).
Usually viscid shrubs or subshrubs, sometimes small trees, generally dioecious or only rarely monoecious. Stems or branches commonly striate or angled. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple, entire, toothed or lobed, occasionally reduced to scales. Capitula discoid or very rarely disciform, small, solitary or in racemes. Involucre campanulate or cup-shaped; bracts imbricate, recurved in female plants when fruit mature. Receptacle flat or convex, mostly epaleate. Malecapitula with bisexual functionally male florets; corolla tubular below, campanulate to funnel-shaped above, tube hairy, rarely also glandular, 5-lobed, yellowish white. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; with ovate-lanceolate, flat apical appendage. Style without papillae, shortly bilobed, not spreading, with sweeping hairs. Pappus: 1 row of persistent bristles. Floret base with ring-like nectarium. Femalecapitula with filiform female florets only, very rarely with few central bisexual florets as well, pubescent and glandular, apex 5-lobed, greenish white. Style without sweeping hairs, 2-lobed, spreading. Cypselas cylindrical or spindle-shaped, rarely ovate or elliptic, somewhat compressed, 8-10-(12-)ribbed, glabrous. Pappus of accrescent bristles in many rows. x = 9 (5-1 report) (aneuploids, B-chromosomes, polyploidy).
Species +/- 400; South and North America; 1 naturalised in sthn Afr.: * Baccharis pingraea DC., KwaZulu-Natal.
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