Dwarfshrub or subshrub to 1 m tall. Leaves ericoid, sessile, twisted, concave, adaxially tomentose, subtending short, densely leafy axillary shoots. Capitula discoid, solitary or a few in clusters, 17-140-flowered. Involucral bracts in 5-9 rows, imbricate, outer ones adaxially villous; stereome undivided or rarely with a few pellucid lines, lamina lanceolate, subacute, opaque, snow-white, sometimes scarlet above stereome, exceeding florets, radiant. Receptacle shortly alveolate. Disc florets bisexual, purple, lobes erect, glabrous, deltoid. Style branches truncate, very slightly rounded, penicillate, pilose in upper part. Cypselas cylindric, very obscurely 5-costate, glabrous, cells of epidermis convex or almost flat. Pappus subplumose above, clavate cells not spirally thickened, shaft scabrid, base with spreading, noncohering hairs.
Monotypic: Atrichantha gemmifera (Bolus) Hilliard & B.L.Burtt, endemic to the Western Cape mountains.
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