
Ker Gawl.
Perennial herbs or shrubs. Leaves alternate, sometimes radical, sessile, leafbases often decurrent, lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, linear, sometimes needle-like, frequently with revolute, entire margins, hairy (hair type B) and glandular-hairy. Capitula radiate, solitary, terminal, sessile or pedunculate, rarely aggregated and spike-like. Involucre cup-shaped or campanulate; bracts in 6-8 rows, lanceolate to linear, spreading and bristle-pointed and often ciliate above and woolly on back; stereome undivided. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Rayflorets female, in 1 row; corolla white or purple; tube usually cylindric, with minutely 3-toothed elliptic to lanceolate lamina +/- as long as tube, glandular-hairy. Discflorets bisexual; corolla yellow or white; tube slightly widening upwards, with 5 ovate lobes. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate; with oblong, apical appendage, endothecial tissue polarised. Style bifid; style branches obtuse, dorsally with obtuse sweeping hairs not reaching furcation; stigmatic surface basally separated but apically converging. Cypselas 3-6-ribbed, brown, sparsely hairy with elongated twin hairs. Pappus white, persistent, in 2 rows, outer row of scales, rarely subbarbellate bristles, inner row of subbarbellate bristles.
Species 14, south and tropical Africa and Madagascar; 9 in sthn Afr., widespread but absent from Namibia, Botswana and Northern Cape.

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