
Stilpnophyton Less.: 264 (1832). Asaemia (Harv.) Benth.: 433 (1873a); Bremer: 193 (1983).
Shrubs or subshrubs, glabrous or variously pubescent, indumentum of stellate, rarely simple, hairs. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, sessile, often imbricate, ericoid, entire, dentate or pinnatifid, linear to ovate to spathulate in outline, occasionally somewhat fleshy. Capitula discoid, small, densely corymbose, rarely solitary. Involucre linear, campanulate or urceolate to rotundate; bracts in 3-5 rows, scarious, sometimes ciliate, glabrous or pilose, sometimes glandular. Receptacle flat, generally paleate, sometimes epaleate; paleae scarious, flat or canaliculate, entire or apically lacerate, glabrous or with few hairs. Discflorets bisexual, fertile; corolla yellow, rarely creamy white, funnel-shaped, gradually expanding into wide 5-lobed limb; tube generally with long-stalked glands. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; apical appendage ovate; endothecial tissue polarised. Style branches apically truncate, with obtuse sweeping hairs. Cypselas cylindrical-obovoid, generally with 5-12 protruding and narrow ribs, glabrous or occasionally glandular. Pappus 0 or often a pseudopappus of stalked glands. x = 8 (polyploidy).
Species 39, endemic to sthn Afr., Northern, Western and Eastern Cape, 1 extending to KwaZulu-Natal and 1 extending to Namibia.

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