
Shrublets, somewhat ericoid, up to 0.6 m high. Leaves alternate, sessile, crowded, ovate, with entire, flat to somewhat revolute margins, pungent, glabrous on upper side, hairy on lower (hair type B) and glandular-hairy. Capitula radiate, sessile, 1-3-nate at end of branches. Involucre subglobose; bracts in +/- 7 rows, oblong to oblong-linear, main veins fading well below tips of bracts, with large, membranous, elliptic-obtuse, apical appendage; stereome undivided. Receptacle slightly convex, epaleate. Rayflorets female, in 1 row; corolla yellow; tube with minutely 3-toothed, obovate-elliptic, villous lamina longer than tube. Cypselas with 20 ribs. Discflorets functionally male; corolla yellow, tube widened above, glandular, villous, with 5 short, ovate lobes. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate, with short tails; endothecial tissue polarised; apical appendage ovate, acute. Style bifid; style branches obtuse, dorsally with obtuse sweeping hairs, not reaching furcation; stigmatic surface basally separated but apically converging. Cypselas with 12 ribs, glabrous or with scattered, elongated twin hairs, glandular-hairy. Pappus of barbellate, caducous bristles shorter than corolla tube, in 1 row.
Monotypic: Arrowsmithia styphelioides DC., endemic to sthn Afr., Eastern Cape.

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