Trees, monoecious or dioecious; lateral branches self-pruning. Leaves distichous on lateral branches, pinnately veined; stipules semi-amplexicaul, free. Inflorescences on minute spurs, in leaf axils or just below leaves, unisexual, involucrate. Staminate inflorescences pedunculate; flowers many; tepals 2-7, free; stamens 2-4, straight in bud; pistillode 0. Pistillate inflorescences sessile or pedunculate, uniflorous; perianth partly adnate to receptacle, 4-lobed; ovary adnate to perianth, stigmas 2, ligulate, equal. Fruit forming a drupaceous whole together with enlarged fleshy, orange to scarlet-coloured receptacle. Seed large, without endosperm; cotyledons thick, equal.
Monotypic, widespread in the tropical Old World: Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. subsp. welwitschii (Engl.) C.C.Berg; sthn trop. Afr.: Angola, Zambia.
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