Shrublets or shrubs, glabrous. Leaves alternate, sessile, small, glabrous or with scattered glandular hairs, margins entire or dentate to almost pinnatifid. Capitula discoid, solitary, terminal. Involucre cyathiform to slightly campanulate; bracts in many rows, imbricate; stereome undivided. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Discflorets bisexual and fertile; corolla yellow; tube with narrow, cylindric, 5-lobed limb; lobes strongly retrofract when dry; glandular-hairy or glabrous. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate; apical appendage acute, flat; endothecial tissue polarised. Style bifid; style branches obtuse with obtuse sweeping hairs dorsally, not reaching furcation; stigmatic surface basally separated but apically confluent. Cypselas cylindric, terete, sparsely to moderately hairy with elongated twin hairs. Pappus of few, free barbellate bristles in 1 row and outer row of narrow scales. x = 7.
Species 2: Anisothrix integra (Compton) Anderb. and A. kuntzei O.Hoffm., endemic to sthn Afr., Western Cape; rare.
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