
Hook. & Arn.
Eenia Hiern & S.Moore: 373 (1899).
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs, hairy and glandular. Leaves alternate, petiolate, usually toothed, simple, lobed or pinnatipartite, rarely linear. Capitula radiate or discoid, several-flowered, in lax or dense, terminal corymbs. Involucre campanulate or hemispherical; bracts in 3-5 rows, lanceolate or oblong, variously hairy and glandular outside. Receptacle flat, paleate; paleae ciliate, +/- enfolding disc florets. Rayflorets female; in 1 row; corolla yellow, tube oblong or elliptic, 3- or 4-toothed, lamina +/- as long as tube; ovary ellipsoid or linear-oblong, somewhat ribbed. Disc florets bisexual; corolla dull yellow, tube constricted in lower half or rarely widening gradually upwards, lower part of tube usually glandular, upper part usually glabrous; lobes 5, ovate. Anthers tailed, apical appendage lanceolate. Style terete; branches flat, linear, obtuse, papillose outside toward blunt apices. Cypselas ellipsoid or subcylindric, often ribbed, usually hairy. Pappus of linear, lanceolate or broad scales with longer, narrower scales interspersed; or scales equal; or 0 or cypsela crowned by shallow rim. x = 7 (polyploidy).
Species 32, southern and tropical Africa, Madagascar, China; 5 in sthn Afr., known from Namibia, Northern Province, Mpumalanga, Swaziland and KwaZulu-Natal.

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