
Androecium characters are those relating to the male organs of a plant. 
The next step is to select one of these characters from the list on the left-hand side in order to view definitions of its various features.
 Here is a list of the possible androecium characters to choose from:

staminodes of male-fertile flowers (number)

staminodes of female-fertile flowers (number)

fertile stamens (number)

stamen insertion (whether near base, middle or top of the corolla tube)

stamen number relative to perianth

stamen position relative to the perianth (alternisepalous or oppositisepalous)

anthers dehiscing (method e.g. by pores, via slits etc)

anther locule number at anthesis

anther appendages (whether appendaged or not)

pollen aggregate type (diads or in the form of pollinia)

androecial members - adnate to perianth or not

androecial members - adnate to gynoecium or not

androecial members - connate or not

staminal filaments appendaged or not


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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith