
Erect or diffuse shrublets without stolons, with greyish whitish tomentum. Leaves alternate, sessile, simple, entire, tomentose, eglandular, with revolute margins. Capitula disciform, small, in terminal dense corymbs. Involucralbracts dimorphic, +/- tomentose, with undivided stereome; outer involucral bracts narrowly linear to oblong or spathulate with membranous brown distal portion; inner involucral bracts unguiculate with linear-oblong, +/- tomentose claw and white opaque, glabrous, petaloid apical portion. Receptacle epaleate. Femaleflorets (0)1 or 2; corolla white or yellowish, shortly lobed. Style bifurcate. Cypsela ellipsoid-oblong, glabrous or shortly hirsute with papilliform nonmyxogenic twin hairs, rarely also sparsely setose with longer narrower hairs. Ovarywall crystals prismatic (rectangular, hexa- or octagonal), homomorphic or heteromorphic. Pappus bristles uniseriate, basally shortly connate or nearly discrete, without patent cilia, barbellate throughout with usually short acute to obtuse teeth. Functionally maleflorets few (3-6); corolla white or yellow, tubular below, with campanulate 5-lobed limb; lobes erect to spreading, with marginal veins reaching lobe apex. Anthers with basal tails and apical flat +/- ovate-triangular appendage; endothecium polarised; filament collar elongate, straight. Style sterile, simple with subclavate or truncate tip, sometimes minutely bifid, with obtuse, short sweeping hairs; stylophore distinct, broader than style. Ovary aborted, glabrous, 2-veined. Pappus bristles uniseriate, basally shortly connate or almost discrete, without patent cilia, barbellate throughout with acute to obtuse or subclavate teeth.
Species 6, endemic to sthn Afr., Western Cape.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith