
Shrublets, usually woolly. Leaves alternate, linear to elliptic, sessile, usually crowded and with revolute, entire margins and pungent apex, tomentose (hair type B). Capitula disciform, aggregated in dense corymbs at end of long peduncles (corymbophore), rarely sessile. Involucre +/- ellipsoid; bracts in 4-6 rows, outer pilose or hairy at base; inner with white or reddish, petaloid appendage; stereome undivided. Receptacle epaleate, flat or somewhat convex, smooth. Femaleflorets few; corolla purple, tubular or filiform, sparsely glandular, 5-toothed. Discflorets functionally male, outnumbering female florets; corolla purple, tubular below, narrowly campanulate above, with 5 short, ovate lobes. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate, with short tails, with ovate, apical appendage; endothecial tissue polarised. Style branches flattened, linear, truncate with obtuse sweeping hairs apically. Cypselas narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate, glabrous or pubescent with elongated, nonmyxogenic twin hairs (glandular hairs present in some species). Pappus barbellate to subplumose, free at base or basally fused into annulus, reduced in female florets.
Species 10, endemic to sthn Afr., Western Cape.

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