Perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs of medium height with sympodial growth; floral organs often with glandular hairs. Leaves long-petioled, membranous, longitudinally 3- to 5-nerved, +/- ovate. Inflorescences simple or branched, terminal or axillary scorpioid cymes. Calyx: tube/receptacle turbinate to campanulate, produced beyond ovary; limb 5-toothed, dilated, deciduous. Petals 5, oblong or obovate, pink or white, often conspicuous. Stamens 10, in 2 unequal whorls; longer anthers linear-subulate with elongate, curved connective and an anterior appendage at base and sometimes a spur behind; shorter anthers with connective rarely produced. Ovary 5-locular, 5-angled, with 5 facets that have membranous margins; ovules few to many; style linear, stigma punctiform. Capsule turbinate, 5-locular, 5-valved at top, with an entire to 5-lobed crown. Seeds minute, obovoid; funicle +/- fragile; raphe produced into a broad appendage.
Species 13, tropical W Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 3, Angola.
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