Botria Lour.: 153 (1790).
Perennial herbs, climbers or lianes. Tendrils usually present, arising from peduncle. Leaves simple or digitately 3-5-foliolate, margins entire or toothed; leaflets sessile or petiolate; stipules deltate, small. Flowers in dense or lax cymes or paniculate; buds subglobose. Calyx entire or obscurely 5-lobed. Corolla usually dark red; petals 5, oblong. Disc furrowed, +/- entire, clasping ovary. Stamens 5; filaments half to two-thirds as long as petals. Ovary ribbed; style conical, very short; stigma capitate. Fruit subglobose, glabrous. Seeds usually 4, flattened, ellipsoid with a strongly marked, longitudinal keel on one side and a medium furrow or pit on the other, variously rugose. x = 10 (high polyploidy).
Species 100, cosmopolitan in the tropics; 1 species: Ampelocissus africana (Lour.) Merr. is found in the northern parts of Namibia, and A. obtusata (Welw. ex Baker) Planch. subsp. kirkiana (Planch.) Wild & R.B.Drumm. occurs in Namibia, Botswana and Northern Province.
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