Perennial herbs or subshrubs; stems quadrangular to subterete. Leaves petiolate, thin, crenate. Inflorescences of small flowers in dense, terminal or lateral spike-like panicles; bracts ovate, sessile, membranous, ciliate, much smaller than leaves, persistent. Calyx: tube subcylindric to funnel-shaped, 10-nerved; teeth 5, subequal, herbaceous, not rigid. Corolla: tube funnel-shaped to cylindric; limb bilabiate, upper lip short, curved, lower lip longer, deflexed, 3-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous, curved, lowest pair the longest; anther thecae distinct or confluent. Style bifid at apex. Nutlets obovoid, reticulate, scaly at apex.
Species +/- 25, tropical and subtropical Old World; sthn trop. Afr. 7, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique; fide Chikuni (1995) also in sthn Afr.
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