
Shrubby herbs. Leaves simple, petioled, deeply palmately lobed, toothed; stipules linear. Flowers solitary or few, cernuous. Male flowers: sepals 3 or 4, linear, recurved; corolla 3- or 4-lobed, pubescent, persistent, tube campanulate, lobes +/- as long as tube, ovate, slightly winged or keeled; glands 3 or 4, ciliate, at base of corolla tube; stamens 3 or 4, free, anthers oblong, didymous; ovary absent. Female flowers: sepals 3 or 4, hairy, lanceolate, larger than in male flowers; corolla pubescent, larger than in male flowers; tube campanulate, winged; glands at base of corolla tube; ovary subsessile, somewhat compressed, with 3-5 ovules on 3-5 parietal placentas, pubescent; style about as long as ovary, 3-5-lobed. Fruit a capsule enclosed in persistent corolla, 3-5-valved, with persistent style. Seeds subglobose, pitted, narrowly winged (arillate) on one side, pubescent.
Monotypic: Acharia tragodes Thunb., endemic to sthn Afr., Northern Province, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal to Eastern Cape.

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