Geophytes with annual aerial parts; tubers depressed-globose to disc-like, superposed to forming a vertical series, not tunicated; roots emerging from sides of tuber. Leaves basal, petiolate to subsessile, rolled in bud, ovate to ovate-orbicular, decurrent to cordate, with schizogenous oil channels. Inflorescence racemose, terminating a flowering stem, sometimes appearing before leaves; bracts and bracteoles present or absent. Perianth: segments forming a very short tube at base, blue or white. Stamens all perfect and similar, arising on perianth at throat of tube. Seeds containing chalazosperm (nutrient tissue developing at chalazal end); embryo subglobose, containing starch.
Species 3, trop. Africa from Nigeria to Tanzania and Mozambique; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Cyanastrum johnstonii Baker, Zambia, Mozambique.
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