
Shrubs, silky-pubescent or villous. Leaves alternate, simple, linear and recurved to suborbicular. Flowers 1 or 2(3 or 4)-nate on axillary peduncles. Calyx shaggy, with shallow tube intruse at base, sometimes split on one side; lobes unequal, longer than tube. Petals: vexillum suborbicular or oblong-obovate, often bilobed, with a deeply concave, linear claw, purple, pink or white; wings elliptic, oblong, obovate, or obovate-oblong, with a curved, linear claw; keel usually convex on one margin and straight on the other, with a straight, flat claw. Stamens 10, connate at base; filaments usually flattened at base. Disc various. Ovary villous or shaggy; ovules 6-l8 in 2 rows; style glabrous at base, with small, capitate stigma. Pod ovoid or oblong. Seeds with fleshy, collar-like aril. x= 9.
Species +/- 25, mainly SW Western Cape, extending eastwards into KwaZulu-Natal.

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