
Densely branched shrublets, with erect or spreading reddish stems. Leaves opposite, subequal, somewhat united at base, triquetrous to trigonous, short, up to +/- 20 mm long and 13 mm broad, mostly with prominently dentate keel and margins (red-toothed in one species), greyish green to pale blue waxy leaves. Flowers solitary or in rich cymes, mostly on bibracteate peduncles, rarely sessile, up to +/- 15 mm in diameter; remaining open; almond-scented. Sepals 5. Petals not much more than 1-seriate, white to pink. Stamens and short staminodes collected into a cone, both papillate near base. Nectary of 5 +/- separate, dark green, crenulate glands. Ovary convex to conical on top; placentas parietal; stigmas 5, concealed by stamens. Fruit a 5-locular capsule, of Lampranthus type; grey to brown; expanding keels diverging from base, more than half as long as valves; valve wings very broad and rectangular; covering membranes with inconspicuous closing ledges at distal ends; closing devices 0, but placenta ending in a tiny to small knob. Seeds ovoid, verrucose, brown. x = 9. F lowering mid-winter to mid-summer. D istinguishing characters: small shrubs with greyish green, waxy, sometimes dentate leaves; flowers scented; stamens and staminodes collected into a cone.
Species 23, typically in the fynbos vegetation of the Western Cape, extending slightly into the Northern Cape, a single species: Osculariadeltoides (L.) Schwantes, has been collected just east of Albertinia in the Western Cape.

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