
Linaria Mill. in part; Hiern: 209 (1904); Wells et al.: 654 (1986).
Annual or perennial herbs; stems decumbent or prostrate to ascending, branching mainly from base, usually at wide angle. Leaves alternate (lowest sometimes opposite), homo- or heteromorphic, +/- ovate to suborbicular (upper ones sometimes ovate-lanceolate), obtuse to emarginate or subacute, entire or +/- dentate, base various, sometimes hastate or sagittate, palmately veined, subsessile to petiolate, petioles sometimes twining. Flowers irregular, pedicellate, solitary in leaf axils or in leafy racemes; pedicels +/- patent, not reflexed. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes entire, +/- equal, imbricate, usually shorter than corolla tube. Corolla tubular, irregular; tube +/- cylindrical or campanulate, usually with anterior, conical or cylindrical spur at base; limb bilabiate, lips sub- or unequal; posterior lip 2-lobed, shorter than anterior, +/- patent, exterior in bud; anterior lip 3-lobed, usually broad and spreading with low basal palate partially occluding tube mouth; lobes entire. Stamens 4, didynamous, included; anthers marginally coherent forming a ring-like structure; staminode minute. Ovary bilocular; locules usually equal, with many, rarely few, ovules, or sometimes unequal with few ovules in anterior locule; style simple, erect; stigma capitate, entire. Fruit an ovoid to globose, leathery or papery capsule; septum erect, +/- straight; locules dehiscent by a single pore with detachable lid, sometimes anterior one indehiscent. Seeds various in shape, often oblong-ellipsoid, alveolate or tuberculate; hilum median or rarely +/- basal. x = 9 (polyploidy).
Species +/- 46, West African islands, North Africa, Europe, south-central and SW Asia; widely naturalised in temperate regions; 1 or 2 in sthn Afr.: *Kickxia spuria (L.) Dumort. subsp. spuria, and possibly *K. commutata (Bernh. ex Rchb.) Fritsch, Western Cape, sporadic occurrence, usually near cultivated areas.

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