Trees with terete branches. Leaves with serrulate margins. Flowers bisexual, small, in solitary or paired dichasia; peduncle short, pubescent. Petals alternating with sepals, quincuncial, connate in lower third to form a suburceolate corolla, eventually deciduous. Stamens in 5 bundles of 3 stamens each opposite sepals and adnate to corolla at base; connective not produced. Ovary 5(6)-locular, obtusely 5(6)-lobed, subhemispherical; ovules minute, many per locule on a central spongy placenta; styles 5(6), free almost to base to connate almost halfway, diverging. Fruit a 5(6)-valved, loculicidal capsule, hemispherical, woody. Seeds many, small, irregularly compressed-ovoid with loosely reticulate testa; endosperm scanty; embryo straight.
Monotypic: Ficalhoalaurifolia Hiern, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr., Angola, Zambia, Malawi. Originally placed in Ericaceae.
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