
Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb.f. in part, Wiens & Tolken: 3 (1979).
Aerial, hemiparasitic shrubs of varying sizes from +/- 0.5-2 m or higher, glabrous to densely and variously pubescent; stems usually glabrate with age, often with swollen, floriferous nodes; haustorium with a single primary penetrating organ. Inflorescence usually an axillary umbel or sometimes a head, often fascicled, occasionally flowers solitary through reduction of peduncles. Flowers 5-merous, gamopetalous, bilaterally symmetrical by the presence of a unilateral, V-shaped split of varying length. Corolla with a conspicuously swollen base, or tube cylindrical; lobes erect, glabrous or variously pubescent, mostly yellow, red or combinations thereof. Filaments coiled or involutely curved at anthesis as result of explosive opening of flower; anthers with or without basal tooth or ledge. Style filiform or upper half thickened gradually from middle, then abruptly constricted into a neck below stigma. Berry ellipsoid, ovoid, obovoid or rounded, 8-12(-15) mm long, smooth or stellate-pubescent, pink, whitish orange, red-orange or red.
Species +/- 59, in Africa and Arabian Peninsula, the largest and central genus of African Loranthaceae; +/- 10 in sthn Afr., widespread.

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